Batik Tulis is more Variatif

Sidoarjo is not only famous for its shrimp crackers centers, bags, and suitcases. Regency also has a superior product batik centers as forerunners of the batik in East Java.
Initially, around the year 1975, done in Jetis batik, but later only coloring process. While making hue and paint on fabric made in Reinforcement crafters, Kepatihan, and Kenongo. "Batik working at their respective homes, while shades made to order or a pure idea batik.

Although the batik crafters also appears in almost all districts in East Java, batik entrepreneurs Jetis survive. They are still producing batik cloth with a pattern and color according to consumer tastes in the island of Madura. "In terms of color, many consumers consider it Jetis made batik copied Madurese batik work, but quite the contrary, Batik Madura circulating in the work of craftsmen Jetis.
Batik craftsmen and entrepreneurs in general Jetis make batik cloth in the form of a long cloth or sewek and gloves. Raw materials were dominated by cotton cloth so that the selling price of between Rp 150,000 - Rp 2.5 million per sheet according to the complexity of style.

Long batik pattern dominated Jetis flora and fauna typical of Sidoarjo has bright colors, red, green, yellow, and black. Jetis batik advantage precisely at the striking color, not on coraknya. Even when the batik crafters offer with soft colors, the market responds less.

Persistence entrepreneurs and craftsmen in Kampoeng Batik Sidoarjo Regent Jetis motivate the region to inaugurate a "Kampoeng Batik Djetis'. The area was now become one of tourist destinations directly to the production centers.
Kampoeng Batik Jetis now kept clean, especially to produce batik patterns according to market selara. The high demand for batik cloth to be dressed with various models, motivated craftsmen to continue to launch new style.

Craft continued to develop creativity by not only selling batik cloth, but it is a ready-made shirt. Other creativity displayed by producing shoes and sandals with batik fabrics, including bags and other paraphernalia. Creativity crafters actually tested to be able to control the local market from the invasion patterned batik textile imports.


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