1. Batik Tiga Negeri known for his color that consists of three parts. There are blue, brown / Sogan, and red. Batik is sometimes known as the Blue Batik or Bang-Bang-Bangan for color variation is more modest. Some say that batik making is done in three different places. Blue in Pekalongan, Red Lasem, and Sogan in Solo. Until now the complexity of detail Batik Tiga Negeri hard to reproduce.
2. Hokokai Javanese batik. Created with writing techniques during the Japanese occupation of Java (1942-1945). He is a long cloth which dipola morning / afternoon (two shades in one cloth) as a solution to shortage of raw material cotton cloth in those days. Another characteristic is easily recognizable on the motive. Butterfly motifs, chrysanthemums, and details that accumulate to make Hokokai Javanese Batik position noble art. Hokokai Javanese Batik type usually done by more than 10 people who each assume the role of different batik process. Intensive system like this also enables the workers in the batik industry was not laid off. Poverty and hardship due to Perdang-Second World obviously influenced the art of batik in Indonesia.
3. Batik Buketan yang dengan desain pengaruh Eropa.
4. Batik Lasem dikenal karena warna merahnya yang khas. Di Lasem (Jawa Timur) sendiri, pengrajin batik sudah sangat berkurang. Beberapa kolektor menyebut Batik Lasem adalah batik yang tercantik diantara yang lain. Batik ini juga menjadi penanda pencampuran dua budaya, Jawa dan Cina.
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